Working groups

In order to work together on different topics, come up with fresh ideas to further develop the ijgd, and to actively shape the life of the organisation, we organise various working groups. These groups are open to everyone. The working groups help define our organisation’s profile, encourage discussion, further develop educational methods and work on projects.

The working groups rely on the dedication of their members. You can write to all working groups at any time and get involved. If you have new ideas or a particular issue you’d like to focus on, then you are welcome to start your own working groups at any time. Further information is available from ijgd Boards.

AK denkMAL was founded at the ijgd working groups meeting in October 2016 by a group of former volunteers from the Jugendbauhütte Brandenburg/Berlin. As team members and former participants, we are concerned with helping shape the "Jugendbauhütte" lodges project, getting involved, and enabling others to maintain a connection to the lodge beyond their year volunteering.


If you’re interested in staying in touch with the project or wanting to get involved and help shape it’s future, then get in touch! We look forward to receiving your ideas, questions and comments at ak.denkmal-@~@ijgd$~$;de.


Florian Lehner: akgrenzsprenger-@~@googlemail$~$;com

Climate change, phasing out of nuclear energy, global warming – discussions on these topics are often difficult to follow, making it difficult to get a real understanding of climate change as an unavoidable catastrophe. The consequences are often: Switching off, hiding away, and passiveness. There’s nothing anyone can do anyway. NOT TRUE! We will find a way!

We are a diverse group of ijgd volunteers who have come together because we feel passionate about the climate and all the topics associated with it. Our idea: To make ourselves and other ijgd volunteers more aware of environmental issues and use this knowledge to help us take a more active role in protecting the climate.


We are open to all who want to get involved. Prior knowledge is useful, but not required – we find out for ourselves the things which are important to us and enjoy hearing new ideas and suggestions. Just get in touch to get involved right away!


Our working group aims to support the overarching organisational structure of ijgd meetups and enable them to network with one another.

Regional meetups are an easy and great way for everyone involved with the ijgd to get together and talk with one another (volunteers and full time employees, freelancers, interested persons, interns, former volunteers, etc.). Everyone can come together and talk in an informal and relaxed environment, discuss what’s currently going on, bring up their own topics and questions, or start new projects.

