Lead Workcamps

Are you interested in trying something new, working alongside people from all over the world and gaining valuable experience in the process? As a workcamp team leader, you’ll have all these opportunities and more! At our workcamps, young people from different countries live together for two to four weeks and participate in a meaningful project as a group. These groups are each supported by two of our team leaders.

We’re seeking motivated people for our workcamps who are interested in leading an international group! Each ijgd workcamp is run by two people. As a workcamp team leader, you will receive an expenses allowance of € 200 per week. During the workcamps, ijgd leaders are always available to assist you. Team leader training and subsequent leading of a workcamp are also recognised as an educational internship.

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All Information about Leading a Workcamp

What requirements do I have to meet in order to participate in team leader training?

You must be at least 18 years old to participate in team leader training. There is no set upper age limit – however, we usually set a limit of 30 years old because the majority of our participants are between 18 and 25. You do not need any special educational knowledge. Foreign language skills are not a requirement. The workcamp language is English, so knowledge of English is definitely an asset.

How much does team leader training cost?

The participation fee is € 95 (€ 75 reduced) for all seven to eight-day training courses. The “BASIC” training course costs € 70 (€ 50 reduced). In addition, you will be reimbursed 50 percent of your travel expenses at the seminar (taking advantage of all possible benefits and limited by a maximum amount). The reduced participation fee applies to students, schoolchildren, trainees and the unemployed. If you lead another workcamp in the same season, you will get the participation fee back!

Do you know someone who would love to become a team leader? Register together and take advantage of our € 20 “Bring a Friend” discount!

Digital training courses to become a team leader are free of charge to you as a participant!

Leave of Absence

You can apply for special leave of absence if you want to attend team leader training or lead a workcamp. This policy applies to all employees, and students also have the option of being exempted from lessons. We will be happy to help you apply for a permit. Contact us in good time.


After completing training lasting at least six days, you can apply for the Juleica (youth leader card) online. The card is an identity card for volunteers in youth work and is valid nationwide. We would be happy to give you more information if you are interested.

What will I learn in team leader training?

All training courses address topics related to international youth work, the role of volunteer work in community services, self-organisation, social learning, ecological learning, gender equality, legal issues (supervision etc.), technical and organisational handling of the workcamp, group games and other methods of youth work, information about workcamps, self-image, and the role of the team leader. In addition, some courses have a special thematic aspect, such as ecology, intercultural learning or education through play.

Who leads the training?

Training is usually led by a volunteer team. The instructors themselves have experience in leading workcamps.

The training courses are all different lengths. Which one is right for me??

  • Our five-day team leader training provides you with all basic information and training you’ll need to lead an international workcamp.
  • Six-day training includes time and space for extra content in addition to the basic information. For example: gender training, experiential education, and ecological learning.
  • In seven-day training, in addition to the basic information, there is time and space to include two extra content areas such as gender, training, experiential education, ecological learning or one of these topics and a first-aid course.

The longer the training is, the more time you have to get to know others, discuss topics, exchange ideas and have fun!

How and where can I register for a training course?

You can find all the information about dates and registration here.

What if I cannot take part at this time? Am I able to opt out?

If you cancel no later than four weeks before the start of the training, you will get the full participation fee back. If you withdraw up to one week before the start of the training, we will retain € 10 as a processing fee. If you cancel within seven days of the start of the training or not at all, we will withhold the full participation fee.

For online registrations, you have the right to withdraw within 14 days without incurring a processing fee.

What options do I have after completing team leader training?

The team leader training prepares you for leading a workcamp. These usually last three weeks and take place in summer. Before or during training, you can decide on a specific workcamp to lead and inform us of your choice by email. Please let us know your second and third choices, as well!

You can find the list of open leadership positions here.

After you have been accepted to lead your workcamp, you will also receive an invitation from us for a team preparation workshop. The team preparation workshop gives you the opportunity to prepare very specifically for your workcamp, to answer any final questions, to get to know other group leaders, and to meet your co-team leaders in person. Participation is voluntary but highly recommended.

Preparation for the workcamp

The principle of "teamwork" applies to leading ijgd workcamps – two team leaders lead a camp together. After acceptance, we will send you more information about "your" workcamp. You can then prepare with your co-team leader.

We provide you with general information material for leading a workcamp, including the "Handbook for Workcamp Teams" and the so-called camp folder, in which all important information is summarised.

At the workcamp

As a workcamp team leader, you are, on the one hand, a member of an international group that organises its day-to-day workcamp on its own. On the other hand, you take on special responsibility for certain areas, e.g. for the beginning phase of the workcamp, as well as for organisational matters and acting as a contact person for our project partners and ijgd.

Can I lead a workcamp abroad?

There are limited opportunities to participate as a workcamp team leader abroad through ijgd. The prerequisite is having previously led an ijgd workcamp in Germany.

How can I have my participation in a workcamp recognised as an educational internship?

Various training institutions (universities, technical colleges, etc.) recognise working at the ijgd as an internship. Depending on the extent of your work, the internship can last up to twelve weeks or even include an entire internship semester. Guidance by state-recognised certified social pedagogues and certified pedagogues is guaranteed. The components of the internship (workcamp leadership, training, preparation, evaluation seminar) will be discussed depending on the requirements of the university/college.

Team Leader Training

Icon Team Leader Training

Learn to lead an international Workcamp!

  • Language: English
  • Location: Berlin
  • Code: 74663
  • Participation requirements:
    • aged 18 years and above

Additional information


Learn to lead an international Workcamp!

  • Language: English
  • Location: Alfeld (Leine) 
  • Code: 14255
  • Participation requirements:
    • aged 18 years and above

Additional information


Team Preparation Seminar

Icon Team Preparation Seminar
  • Language: English
  • Location: Digital via Zoom
  • Seminarcode: 40406
  • Participation requirements:
    • aged 18 years and above

Additional information


End of Season Seminar

Icon End of Season Seminar
  • Language: English
  • Location: Berlin
  • Code: 74664
  • Participation requirements:
    • aged 18 years and above

Additional information


Open Leadership Positions

On the list of open leadership positions you can find available workcamps. If you have found one or two camps that are suitable for you, write us an email.

Open Leadership Positions 2024

For All Questions

Icon For All Questions

Annett Schmidt und Elena Pislari

Sedanstraße 75
30161 Hannover

+49 511 13 22 97 54

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We want you to be a Training Course Instructor!

As a training course instructor, you will plan and lead training courses in a team of two for new workcamp team leaders. You will receive an expense allowance of € 50 per course day.

If you’ve already participated as a team leader in a workcamp and want to pass on your experiences and knowledge of ijgd workcamp life, you’ve come to the right place! Training to become a training course instructor will engage you in new kinds of international group work, help you get to know different group processes – and of course, it will be exciting, lively and creative!


Icon Dates
  • Language: English
  • Location: Alfeld (Leine)
  • Code: 40403
  • Participation requirements:
    • aged 18 years and above
    • for experienced workcamp teamer

Additional information
